Saturday, January 17, 2009

OCLS and Library 2.0

It's comforting to know that the organization I work for is on the cutting edge of innovative thinking. It's particularly interesting to think that OLCS is developing in the same progressive way the rest of the world seems to be moving without prior knowledge that the world is moving in that direction. I guess it is a testiment to the think tank here. While we already discovered that we are congruently changing with the rest of the world, I would hope and believe that if after doing the research and seeing that we were not following the appropriate path, we would then reanalyze the situation.

As for the question how the new strategic plan impacts my work for OCLS... I just had my year evaluation and my new goal to empower myself is to learn more about our databases. This will help me better assist the patron as I will be more familiar with everything OCLS has to offer. These databases are also constantly adding more information and I think learning more about them will keep me in an innovative frame of mind.

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